The public’s interest in the world of coffee, especially contemporary coffee is still high, makes Icip Icip Bar, which is one of the outlets at PALM PARK Hotel & Convention Surabaya, presenting a coffee menu that carries the Coffee Bottle concept. After several times presenting it as one of the favorite menu highlights in events that have been held at PALM PARK Hotel & Convention Surabaya. In addition, the fast-paced living trend is not only faced by office workers but also for the general public, considering the limitations in activities also underlie the launch of this Coffee Bottle.

This Coffee Bottle solution makes it easier for buyers to generally buy coffee to take as a travel companion, do activities, rest in their room and also take it home (take away). Various interesting variants are presented, including Brown Sugar Coffee, Milk Coffe, Cappuccino and Black Coffee. The price is also quite pocket friendly. “Although we have a location that is quite convenient to hang out for a long time with comfortable facilities, in fact at this time there are still many of our guests who prefer to return to their activities with our coffee take away, so the presence of this Coffee Bottle is very practical and comfortable.” Said Michael Joshua, Food & Beverage Manager of PALM PARK Hotel & Convention Surabaya.

“In the future, we will also continue to offer new seasonal menus like the one in March, namely the Matcha March Package, which is a combination of Matcha Drink with French Fries.” he added. Both Coffee Bottle and Matcha March can be enjoyed by coming directly to Icip Icip Bar or you can also order via whatsapp at 081133320002 or 031 374 2000.